
There are three types of state in Aurora: page, post and site.

Page State

Page state stores values that are only available on that page.

For example, consider the following template:

title: Hello, World!
layout: default

Welcome to the website!

Any value in the front matter is stored in the page state. This state can be accessed using:

{{ page.title }}


You can access the name of the template from which a page was generated with:

{{ page.generated_from }}

This is useful if you want to make a public edit page to a GitHub repository, like the one in the footer of this documentation.

Post State

Post state stores information about a blog post.

You can access post state on any template that is used by a post.

For example, consider the following template called pages/_layouts/post.html for rendering a blog post:

layout: default

<h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>

<p>{{ post.content }}</p>

Here, we access the title and content of the post using the post state.

This template (pages/_layouts/post.html) inherits from the default layout, and could be used on any blog post with:

layout: post
title: Hello, World!


Site State

Page state stores values that are global to the website.

You can access site state on any page.

By default, site state contains:

  • A list of your posts (site.posts)
  • The root URL of your site (site.root_url)
  • The build date of your site (site.build_date)
  • A list of all pages in your site (site.pages)

For example, consider the following template:

title: Blog Home
layout: default

    {% for post in site.posts[:5] %}
            <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
    {% endfor %}

Here, we iterate over the first five posts in the site state and display them on the page.

The above code could be used on a home page to display the most recent posts.

You can add custom values to your site state by adding to the SITE_STATE dictionary in your file:

    'site_version': os.getenv('SITE_VERSION', '1.0.0')